reg. 501(c)(6)
"Any person or business, including any corporation, association, partnership, governmental agency or educational institution located or conducting trade within, or residing in Uniondale, and having an interest in the purpose of the Chamber of Commerce, shall be eligible for membership." (By-laws Article III, Section I)
Individual ($25/year) - Must be a resident of the hamlet of Uniondale, N.Y.
Civic Associations ($50/year) - not-for-profit organization actively serving the Uniondale, N.Y. area.
Sole Proprietor ($50/year) - Business located in or conducting significant business within Uniondale, N.Y. with (1) owner and no employees.
Non-Profits ($100/year) - IRS-registered not-for-profit organization actively serving the Uniondale, N.Y. area.
Small Business ($100/year) - Business located in or conducting significant business within Uniondale, N.Y. with (1) owner and (1) to (5) employees.
Mid-sized Business ($150/year) - Business located in or conducting significant business within Uniondale, N.Y. with (1) or more owners/partners and (6) to (24) employees.
Large Business ($250/year) - Business located in or conducting significant business within Uniondale, N.Y. with (1) or more owners/partners and a combination of (25) or more total employees.
National Business/Corporation ($1000/year) - Business located in or conducting significant business within Uniondale, N.Y. with (2) or more owners/partners and a combination of (100) or more total employees.